Azam yang dulu, banyak yang belum tercapai, kini masuk tahun baru. Azam pun diimbas semula. Marilah kita bermuhasabah tentang apa sebenarnya yg kita hendak capai dalam hidup ini.
Jom kita senaraikan apa2 jua azam yg belum & hendak kita capai. Kita usahakan sedikit-demi sedikit sehingga berjaya akhirnya. Perlahan-lahan, lama2 pasti akan tercapai.
Salam tahun baru!
Melihat kabus pagi dan mega yang menjulang tinggi mengingatkan ku kepada keagungan Pencipta ku. Segala urusan hidupku, aku bersyukur kerana Engkau selalu permudahkan. Terima Kasih Tuhan. Sememangnya ucapan terima kasih ini tidak memadai, namun menyedari begitu banyaknya kelemahan ku, Kau tetap mengurniakan aku dengan bermacam-macam kurnia dan hikmah, aku bersyukur kepada Mu, Tuhan Pencipta dan Penguasa seluruh alam.
Rabu, 31 Disember 2008
Isnin, 29 Disember 2008
Refleksi Kala Menyusuri Laluan KK-Tambunan
Assalamu alaikum & Salam Sejahtera..
Dalam hidup ini, banyak perkara dalam hidup yang kita nak capai. Banyak yang hendak dikejar. Tapi, kita perlu sesekali berhenti atau 'memperlahankan' kelajuan perjalanan kita ketika mengejar perkara2 tersebut demi memberi ruang kepada diri supaya kita dapat membuat muhasabah.
Ada antara kita yang sentiasa ditimpa masalah dan musibah silih berganti. Ada pula yang sentiasa dilimpahi kesenangan dan kebahagiaan seolah-olah ianya berpanjangan. Namun telah pernah beberapa kali saya melihat atau dikongsikan cerita tentang orang2 yang dahulunya hebat & kaya bertukar menjadi bukan sahaja papa kedana, tetapi menjadi tidak waras. Ada juga manusia2 yang saya temui, walaupun hidup susah tetapi masih merasai kebahagiaan walaupun tidak kekal lama. Bukankah hidup ini tidak ada yang kekal melainkan Dia.
Hidup ini pula acapkali kita harus membuat pertimbangan sebelum membuat pilihan yang 'tepat'. Namun, adakalanya, pilihan yang tepat, tetap membuat kita kecewa, menyesal atau sakit hati. Aku teringat dengan sajak yang dipelajari oleh murid2 ku: 'The Road Not Taken' yang ditulis oleh Robert Frost. dlm sajak tu, penyajak ada menyatakan keluahannya kerana tak dapat memilih kedua-dua 'jalan'. Hanya satu 'jalan' yang boleh dipilih untuk dilaluinya ketika sampai di 'sepohon pokok' yang membuatkan 'jalan' yang sedang dilaluinya 'terbahagi' dua. Setelah meneliti kedua2 'jalan', dia memutuskan untuk memilih 'jalan' yang kedua kerana 'keunikan' jalan tersebut yang agak jarang 'digunakan' orang.
Demikianlah hidup ini, apa pun pilihan kita, pasti ada baik dan buruknya. Positif dan negatif. Kelebihan dan kekurangan. Apa2 pun, terpulang pada diri masing2 hendak melihat dari sudut seorang pesimis atau optimis.
Dalam hidup ini, banyak perkara dalam hidup yang kita nak capai. Banyak yang hendak dikejar. Tapi, kita perlu sesekali berhenti atau 'memperlahankan' kelajuan perjalanan kita ketika mengejar perkara2 tersebut demi memberi ruang kepada diri supaya kita dapat membuat muhasabah.
Ada antara kita yang sentiasa ditimpa masalah dan musibah silih berganti. Ada pula yang sentiasa dilimpahi kesenangan dan kebahagiaan seolah-olah ianya berpanjangan. Namun telah pernah beberapa kali saya melihat atau dikongsikan cerita tentang orang2 yang dahulunya hebat & kaya bertukar menjadi bukan sahaja papa kedana, tetapi menjadi tidak waras. Ada juga manusia2 yang saya temui, walaupun hidup susah tetapi masih merasai kebahagiaan walaupun tidak kekal lama. Bukankah hidup ini tidak ada yang kekal melainkan Dia.
Hidup ini pula acapkali kita harus membuat pertimbangan sebelum membuat pilihan yang 'tepat'. Namun, adakalanya, pilihan yang tepat, tetap membuat kita kecewa, menyesal atau sakit hati. Aku teringat dengan sajak yang dipelajari oleh murid2 ku: 'The Road Not Taken' yang ditulis oleh Robert Frost. dlm sajak tu, penyajak ada menyatakan keluahannya kerana tak dapat memilih kedua-dua 'jalan'. Hanya satu 'jalan' yang boleh dipilih untuk dilaluinya ketika sampai di 'sepohon pokok' yang membuatkan 'jalan' yang sedang dilaluinya 'terbahagi' dua. Setelah meneliti kedua2 'jalan', dia memutuskan untuk memilih 'jalan' yang kedua kerana 'keunikan' jalan tersebut yang agak jarang 'digunakan' orang.
Demikianlah hidup ini, apa pun pilihan kita, pasti ada baik dan buruknya. Positif dan negatif. Kelebihan dan kekurangan. Apa2 pun, terpulang pada diri masing2 hendak melihat dari sudut seorang pesimis atau optimis.
Jumaat, 26 Disember 2008
Lama tak menulis..
Everytime pun, memang lama nak update blog. Alhamdulillah, cuti sekolah ni, dapat juga update blog ni.
Hidup tidak selalu indah - ini antara ayat yang pernah saya ucapkan beberapa kali pada teman2 & sahabat2 yang berkongsi cerita suka duka dengan saya. Bagi saya, memang itu hakikatnya, hidup memang penuh dugaan.
Apabila kawan2 berkongsi duka mereka, selain berasa simpati, hanya ini antara ucapan yang mampu saya katakan kepada mereka. Mungkin juga kita akan berkata "sabarlah", tapi, lebih daripada itu, bukan mudah untuk menyenangkan hati orang yang dalam kedukaan.
Apa2 pun, hidup ini ada turun naiknya, ada pasang surutnya, ada masa kita berduka, namun duka itu pula tidak sepanjang masa. Kadang2, kita terlalu menyayangi sesuata benda atau material, namun hakikatnya, tiada apa yang kekal di dunia ini melainkan Allah, kan. Jadi, walaupun dalam keadaan berduka, percayalah bahawa dalam mendung pasti akan datang sinar cahaya, dalam duka pasti akan ada suka.
Bersabarlah. Kuatkanlah semangat apabila berhadapan cabaran, baik yang getir mahu pun yang kecil; apa yang boleh saya sarankan adalah cari jalan dan idea untuk mengatasi cabaran yang dihadapkan kepada kita. Cabaran2 itu sebenarnya menjadikan kita lebih kuat dan tabah dalam hidup. Janganlah berputus asa dan bersedih hati terlalu lama.
Bersabar & berusahalah!
Hidup tidak selalu indah - ini antara ayat yang pernah saya ucapkan beberapa kali pada teman2 & sahabat2 yang berkongsi cerita suka duka dengan saya. Bagi saya, memang itu hakikatnya, hidup memang penuh dugaan.
Apabila kawan2 berkongsi duka mereka, selain berasa simpati, hanya ini antara ucapan yang mampu saya katakan kepada mereka. Mungkin juga kita akan berkata "sabarlah", tapi, lebih daripada itu, bukan mudah untuk menyenangkan hati orang yang dalam kedukaan.
Apa2 pun, hidup ini ada turun naiknya, ada pasang surutnya, ada masa kita berduka, namun duka itu pula tidak sepanjang masa. Kadang2, kita terlalu menyayangi sesuata benda atau material, namun hakikatnya, tiada apa yang kekal di dunia ini melainkan Allah, kan. Jadi, walaupun dalam keadaan berduka, percayalah bahawa dalam mendung pasti akan datang sinar cahaya, dalam duka pasti akan ada suka.
Bersabarlah. Kuatkanlah semangat apabila berhadapan cabaran, baik yang getir mahu pun yang kecil; apa yang boleh saya sarankan adalah cari jalan dan idea untuk mengatasi cabaran yang dihadapkan kepada kita. Cabaran2 itu sebenarnya menjadikan kita lebih kuat dan tabah dalam hidup. Janganlah berputus asa dan bersedih hati terlalu lama.
Bersabar & berusahalah!
Selasa, 2 September 2008
Ramadhan Mubarak
Ramadhan datang lagi. Apakah Ramadhan yang ini akan sama ku isi seperti Ramadhan yang lalu? Apakah akan ada lebih keinsafan dalam hati? Apakah akan tetap iman di dalam dada?
Ramadhan membawa berita gembira buat insan beriman. Kerinduan pada Ramadhan dan keindahannya, hanya insan seumpama yang dapat merasakan. Kesyahduan pasti terasa kerana sebelum ini dia memikirkan apakah akan ada lagi Ramadhan baginya, atau apakah dia tidak akan berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan yang berikutnya..
Ramadhan.. Bulan yang datangnya dengan barakah..
Ramadhan membawa berita gembira buat insan beriman. Kerinduan pada Ramadhan dan keindahannya, hanya insan seumpama yang dapat merasakan. Kesyahduan pasti terasa kerana sebelum ini dia memikirkan apakah akan ada lagi Ramadhan baginya, atau apakah dia tidak akan berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan yang berikutnya..
Ramadhan.. Bulan yang datangnya dengan barakah..
Khamis, 14 Ogos 2008
The choices..
Assalamu alaikum/ Good day..
Making decision is a normal thing to do for us, human beings. There are times when arriving to a destination seems difficult as there are obstacles ahead which make us stop; we have to review, alter our course or totally opt for a new way of reaching it.
Mungkin saya telah bergerak terlalu laju menuju ke matlamat yang terlalu materialistik, lalu saya terhenti, atau telah dihentikan seketika oleh satu pertemuan. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, terdapat kisah menyayat hati tentang kematian sebelum sempat bertaubat, ujian-ujian ketika menguruskan jenazah dan ketika pengkebumian.
Such things make me think. Semua yang kita usahakan, duniawi yang kita kejar, akhirnya akan kita tinggalkan jua satu hari nanti. Apakah kita punya kesempatan untuk memperbetulkan diri agar tetap di atas landasan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat, atau will we end up as being losers in the hereafter.
Mengingati kematian... suatu hal yang membuat kita harus berhenti seketika untuk menilai semula apa yang telah kita lakukan dalam hidup ini.. and what we should do in order to obtain wordly gains and pleasures in the hereafter.
Making decision is a normal thing to do for us, human beings. There are times when arriving to a destination seems difficult as there are obstacles ahead which make us stop; we have to review, alter our course or totally opt for a new way of reaching it.
Mungkin saya telah bergerak terlalu laju menuju ke matlamat yang terlalu materialistik, lalu saya terhenti, atau telah dihentikan seketika oleh satu pertemuan. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, terdapat kisah menyayat hati tentang kematian sebelum sempat bertaubat, ujian-ujian ketika menguruskan jenazah dan ketika pengkebumian.
Such things make me think. Semua yang kita usahakan, duniawi yang kita kejar, akhirnya akan kita tinggalkan jua satu hari nanti. Apakah kita punya kesempatan untuk memperbetulkan diri agar tetap di atas landasan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat, atau will we end up as being losers in the hereafter.
Mengingati kematian... suatu hal yang membuat kita harus berhenti seketika untuk menilai semula apa yang telah kita lakukan dalam hidup ini.. and what we should do in order to obtain wordly gains and pleasures in the hereafter.
Rabu, 13 Ogos 2008
Mengkaji Semula Pilihan Yang Kita Ada...
Assalamu alaikum & Salam sejahtera/ Good Day..
Setiap insan mempunyai kehendak-kehendak dalam hidup. Ada yang banyak, ada yang sedikit, yang pastinya, setiap orang pasti memiliki lebih dari 1 kehendak.
Selain itu, kita juga mempunyai pelbagai keinginan dan impian dalam hidup ini. Keinginan dan impian tidak terkira banyaknya bagi orang yang benar-benar berkeinginan dan berimpian tinggi.
Dengan peredaran masa yang semakin pantas dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, dunia kita umpama sebiji bola yang kita tendang di padang, sentiasa tergolek ke mana-mana arah yang kita mahu.
Kenapa saya menulis sebegini? Setelah bertemu seorang sahabat, dia mengembalikan saya pada 1 perhentian.. I need to stop for a while, a pit stop, to recall, review and refresh myself of what is my purpose of life..
(to be continued)..
Setiap insan mempunyai kehendak-kehendak dalam hidup. Ada yang banyak, ada yang sedikit, yang pastinya, setiap orang pasti memiliki lebih dari 1 kehendak.
Selain itu, kita juga mempunyai pelbagai keinginan dan impian dalam hidup ini. Keinginan dan impian tidak terkira banyaknya bagi orang yang benar-benar berkeinginan dan berimpian tinggi.
Dengan peredaran masa yang semakin pantas dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, dunia kita umpama sebiji bola yang kita tendang di padang, sentiasa tergolek ke mana-mana arah yang kita mahu.
Kenapa saya menulis sebegini? Setelah bertemu seorang sahabat, dia mengembalikan saya pada 1 perhentian.. I need to stop for a while, a pit stop, to recall, review and refresh myself of what is my purpose of life..
(to be continued)..
Sabtu, 7 Jun 2008
Menulis Lagi..
Assalamu alaikum..
I haven't been posting here for quite some time. It's already in the middle of the year, and as I went through my last post, I am reminded of my resolution.. yeah, now that I have started to think about it again, it is important to revise whatever thoughts I have regarding it..
By the way, I have added 2 new links. Memang menarik jika anda nak tau tentang diri, if you are thinking about treating whatever illness/ disease that you have, be it physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual one. Just in case you would like to visit the blogs, click the links below:
Kenali Warna Diri & Rawatan Kesihatan
bagi yang merasakan masih belum begitu mengenali diri sendiri, ingin meningkatkan potensi diri, ingin memperbaiki kelemahan diri, merawat penyakit-penyakit yang terdapat dalam diri, sama ada penyakit jasmani, rohani, emosi mahu pun mental, silalah lawati laman2 blog di atas.
I haven't been posting here for quite some time. It's already in the middle of the year, and as I went through my last post, I am reminded of my resolution.. yeah, now that I have started to think about it again, it is important to revise whatever thoughts I have regarding it..
By the way, I have added 2 new links. Memang menarik jika anda nak tau tentang diri, if you are thinking about treating whatever illness/ disease that you have, be it physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual one. Just in case you would like to visit the blogs, click the links below:
Kenali Warna Diri & Rawatan Kesihatan
bagi yang merasakan masih belum begitu mengenali diri sendiri, ingin meningkatkan potensi diri, ingin memperbaiki kelemahan diri, merawat penyakit-penyakit yang terdapat dalam diri, sama ada penyakit jasmani, rohani, emosi mahu pun mental, silalah lawati laman2 blog di atas.
Ahad, 10 Februari 2008
Kenali Diri
Assalamu Alaikum & Salam Sejahtera...
Lama juga saya tak update info dan khabar kat sini. Alhamdulillah, hari ni saya dapat luangkan waktu untuk menulis sedikit maklumat/ khabar.
Yesterday, I stumbled into a forum site, and in one of its forum, there was a discussion about MENGENALI DIRI. Saya rasa teruja tentang topik tersebut, so saya pun check out apa isi perbincangan forum tu. Rupanya ada promosi buku Rahsia Diri, iaitu tentang mengenali diri kita, yang di'personalize'kan untuk diri kita sendiri! And I thought, Wow! This is a good chance to get to know myself much better!.. Kalau nak tau tentang buku Rahsia Diri, nak tau cara2 bebas hutang, biz catering & restoran, serta macam2 lagi offer yang menarik, lawatlah website ni:
Saya akan menulis lagi. So, selamat berkenalan dengan diri sendiri! Mudah2an kita dapat mengorek rahsia2 diri kita yang mana mungkin memperlihatkan kita potensi2 kita dan jalan kejayaan dunia & akhirat untuk kita, amin.
Wassalam.. :-)
Lama juga saya tak update info dan khabar kat sini. Alhamdulillah, hari ni saya dapat luangkan waktu untuk menulis sedikit maklumat/ khabar.
Yesterday, I stumbled into a forum site, and in one of its forum, there was a discussion about MENGENALI DIRI. Saya rasa teruja tentang topik tersebut, so saya pun check out apa isi perbincangan forum tu. Rupanya ada promosi buku Rahsia Diri, iaitu tentang mengenali diri kita, yang di'personalize'kan untuk diri kita sendiri! And I thought, Wow! This is a good chance to get to know myself much better!.. Kalau nak tau tentang buku Rahsia Diri, nak tau cara2 bebas hutang, biz catering & restoran, serta macam2 lagi offer yang menarik, lawatlah website ni:
Saya akan menulis lagi. So, selamat berkenalan dengan diri sendiri! Mudah2an kita dapat mengorek rahsia2 diri kita yang mana mungkin memperlihatkan kita potensi2 kita dan jalan kejayaan dunia & akhirat untuk kita, amin.
Wassalam.. :-)
Selasa, 1 Januari 2008
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008!
Assalamu alaikum wrh... Salam sejahtera...
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008! Pada yg beragama Islam, lagi 9 hari kita akan menyambut tahun baru Hijrah kan.
Azam yg lepas2, memang ada gak yg tak terlaksana.. so tahun ni, dan tahun baru hijrah ni, saya nak kuatkan semangat saya untuk capai azam2 tu. :-)
I'Allah, hujung tahun 2008 ni... saya akan melakukan 1 perkara yang mungkin berat, tetapi saya mesti laksanakan. Saya mohon Allah beri saya kekuatan untuk melaksanakan perkara tersebut.
To achieve success, there must be some sacrifices done. No sacrifice, no success. Sacrifice= our time, energy, money.. And success also means we have to be brave to change the way we live, the way we think --> think like a successful person, live like a successful person..
Oklah... sebagai bacaan tambahan, saya masukkan di sini an article which I received from one yahoogroup, which I think is interesting.
Selamat membaca! Wassalam...
Naimah AG
Article: Prophets' Names Appear in The Ebla Tablets, Surpassing Torah's Age
Dating back to around 2500 BC, the Ebla tablets provide very important information regarding the history of religions. The most important feature of the Ebla tablets, discovered by archaeologists in 1975 and which have been the subject of much research and debate ever since, is that they contain the names of three prophets referred to in holy scriptures.
The discovery after thousands of years of the Ebla tablets and the information they contain is extremely important from the point of view of clarifying the geographical location of societies revealed in the Qur'an.
Around 2500 BC, Ebla was a kingdom covering an area that included the Syrian capital Damascus and south-east Turkey. This kingdom reached a cultural and economic peak but later, as happened to a great many civilizations, it disappeared from the stage of history. It was apparent from the records that were kept that the Kingdom of Ebla was a major cultural and commercial center of the time. (1) The people of Ebla possessed a civilization that established state archives, built libraries and recorded commercial contracts in written form. They even had their own language, known as Eblaite.
The History of Buried Religions
The true importance of the Kingdom of Ebla, regarded as a great success for classical archaeology when first discovered in 1975, came to light with the finding of some 20,000 cuneiform tablets and fragments. This archive was four times greater than all the cuneiform texts known to archaeologists over the last 3,000 years.
When the language used in the tablets was deciphered by the Italian Giovanni Pettinato, an epigrapher from the University of Rome, the scale of their importance was better understood. As a result of this, the finding of the Kingdom of Ebla and this magnificent state archive became a matter not just of archaeological interest, but one of interest to religious circles, too. That was because as well as the names Michael (Mi-ka-il) and Talut (Sa-u-lum), who struggled alongside the Prophet David, they also contained the names of prophets mentioned in the three holy books: The Prophet Abraham (Ab-ra-mu), the Prophet David (Da-u-dum) and the Prophet Ishamel (Ish-ma-il). (2)
The Importance of the Names on the Ebla Tablets
The names of the prophets identified in the Ebla tablets are of the greatest importance as this was the first time that they had been encountered in historical documents of such age. This information, dating back to 1500 years before the Torah, was most striking. The appearance in the tablets of the name of the Prophet Abraham recorded that the Prophet Abraham and the religion brought by him had existed before the Torah.
Historians analyzed the Ebla tablets from this perspective, and this major discovery regarding the Prophet Abraham and his mission became the subject of research with regard to the history of religions. David Noel Freedman, an American archaeologist and researcher into the history of religions, reported, based on his studies, the names of such prophets as Abraham and Ishmael in the tablets. (3)
Other Names in the Tablets
As stated above the names in the tablets were those of prophets referred to in the three holy books, and the tablets were far older than the Torah. In addition to these names there were also other subjects and place names in the tablets, from which it can be seen that the Eblaites were very successful traders. The names Sinai, Gaza and Jerusalem, not too distant from Ebla, also appeared in the texts, showing that the Eblaites enjoyed commercial and cultural links with these places. (4)
One important detail seen in the tablets was the names of the areas of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people of Lot lived. It is known that Sodom and Gomorrah was a region on the shore of the Dead Sea where the people of Lot lived and where the Prophet Lot communicated his message and called people to live by religious moral values. In addition to these two names, that of the city of Iram, which appears in the verses of the Qur'an, is also among those in the Ebla tablets.
The most noteworthy aspect of these names is that apart from in the texts communicated by the prophets, they had never before appeared in any other text. This is important documentary evidence showing that reports of the prophets who communicated the message of the one true religion at that time had reached those areas. In an article in Reader's Digest magazine it was recorded that that there had been a change in the Eblaites' religion during the reign of King Ebrum and that people had begun to add prefixes to their names in order to exalt the name of Almighty God.
God's Promise Is TrueÉ
The history of Ebla and the Ebla tablets which came to light after some 4,500 years actually point to one major truth: God sent messengers to Ebla, as He did to every community, and these called their peoples to the true religion.
Some people adhered to the religion that came to them and thus attained the true path, while others opposed the message of the prophets and preferred a wicked life. God, Lord of the heavens, the earth, and all that lies between, reveals this fact in the Qur'an:
We sent a Messenger among every people saying: "Worship God and keep clear of all false deities." Among them were some whom God guided but others received the misguidance they deserved. Travel about the earth and see the final fate of the deniers. (Qur'an, 16: 36)
1) "Ebla", Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopaedia, © 1995 Funk & Wagnalls Corporation, Infopedia 2.0, SoftKey Multimedia Inc.
2) Howard La Fay, "Ebla: Splendour of an Unknown Empire," National Geographic Magazine, December 1978, p. 736; C. Bermant and M. Weitzman, Ebla: A Revelation in Archaeology, Times Books, 1979, Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, Great Britain, pp. 184.
3) Bilim ve Teknik magazine (Science and Technology), No. 118, September 1977 and No. 131 October 19784)
For detailed information, please see Harun Yahya's Miracles of the Qur'an.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008! Pada yg beragama Islam, lagi 9 hari kita akan menyambut tahun baru Hijrah kan.
Azam yg lepas2, memang ada gak yg tak terlaksana.. so tahun ni, dan tahun baru hijrah ni, saya nak kuatkan semangat saya untuk capai azam2 tu. :-)
I'Allah, hujung tahun 2008 ni... saya akan melakukan 1 perkara yang mungkin berat, tetapi saya mesti laksanakan. Saya mohon Allah beri saya kekuatan untuk melaksanakan perkara tersebut.
To achieve success, there must be some sacrifices done. No sacrifice, no success. Sacrifice= our time, energy, money.. And success also means we have to be brave to change the way we live, the way we think --> think like a successful person, live like a successful person..
Oklah... sebagai bacaan tambahan, saya masukkan di sini an article which I received from one yahoogroup, which I think is interesting.
Selamat membaca! Wassalam...
Naimah AG
Article: Prophets' Names Appear in The Ebla Tablets, Surpassing Torah's Age
Dating back to around 2500 BC, the Ebla tablets provide very important information regarding the history of religions. The most important feature of the Ebla tablets, discovered by archaeologists in 1975 and which have been the subject of much research and debate ever since, is that they contain the names of three prophets referred to in holy scriptures.
The discovery after thousands of years of the Ebla tablets and the information they contain is extremely important from the point of view of clarifying the geographical location of societies revealed in the Qur'an.
Around 2500 BC, Ebla was a kingdom covering an area that included the Syrian capital Damascus and south-east Turkey. This kingdom reached a cultural and economic peak but later, as happened to a great many civilizations, it disappeared from the stage of history. It was apparent from the records that were kept that the Kingdom of Ebla was a major cultural and commercial center of the time. (1) The people of Ebla possessed a civilization that established state archives, built libraries and recorded commercial contracts in written form. They even had their own language, known as Eblaite.
The History of Buried Religions
The true importance of the Kingdom of Ebla, regarded as a great success for classical archaeology when first discovered in 1975, came to light with the finding of some 20,000 cuneiform tablets and fragments. This archive was four times greater than all the cuneiform texts known to archaeologists over the last 3,000 years.
When the language used in the tablets was deciphered by the Italian Giovanni Pettinato, an epigrapher from the University of Rome, the scale of their importance was better understood. As a result of this, the finding of the Kingdom of Ebla and this magnificent state archive became a matter not just of archaeological interest, but one of interest to religious circles, too. That was because as well as the names Michael (Mi-ka-il) and Talut (Sa-u-lum), who struggled alongside the Prophet David, they also contained the names of prophets mentioned in the three holy books: The Prophet Abraham (Ab-ra-mu), the Prophet David (Da-u-dum) and the Prophet Ishamel (Ish-ma-il). (2)
The Importance of the Names on the Ebla Tablets
The names of the prophets identified in the Ebla tablets are of the greatest importance as this was the first time that they had been encountered in historical documents of such age. This information, dating back to 1500 years before the Torah, was most striking. The appearance in the tablets of the name of the Prophet Abraham recorded that the Prophet Abraham and the religion brought by him had existed before the Torah.
Historians analyzed the Ebla tablets from this perspective, and this major discovery regarding the Prophet Abraham and his mission became the subject of research with regard to the history of religions. David Noel Freedman, an American archaeologist and researcher into the history of religions, reported, based on his studies, the names of such prophets as Abraham and Ishmael in the tablets. (3)
Other Names in the Tablets
As stated above the names in the tablets were those of prophets referred to in the three holy books, and the tablets were far older than the Torah. In addition to these names there were also other subjects and place names in the tablets, from which it can be seen that the Eblaites were very successful traders. The names Sinai, Gaza and Jerusalem, not too distant from Ebla, also appeared in the texts, showing that the Eblaites enjoyed commercial and cultural links with these places. (4)
One important detail seen in the tablets was the names of the areas of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the people of Lot lived. It is known that Sodom and Gomorrah was a region on the shore of the Dead Sea where the people of Lot lived and where the Prophet Lot communicated his message and called people to live by religious moral values. In addition to these two names, that of the city of Iram, which appears in the verses of the Qur'an, is also among those in the Ebla tablets.
The most noteworthy aspect of these names is that apart from in the texts communicated by the prophets, they had never before appeared in any other text. This is important documentary evidence showing that reports of the prophets who communicated the message of the one true religion at that time had reached those areas. In an article in Reader's Digest magazine it was recorded that that there had been a change in the Eblaites' religion during the reign of King Ebrum and that people had begun to add prefixes to their names in order to exalt the name of Almighty God.
God's Promise Is TrueÉ
The history of Ebla and the Ebla tablets which came to light after some 4,500 years actually point to one major truth: God sent messengers to Ebla, as He did to every community, and these called their peoples to the true religion.
Some people adhered to the religion that came to them and thus attained the true path, while others opposed the message of the prophets and preferred a wicked life. God, Lord of the heavens, the earth, and all that lies between, reveals this fact in the Qur'an:
We sent a Messenger among every people saying: "Worship God and keep clear of all false deities." Among them were some whom God guided but others received the misguidance they deserved. Travel about the earth and see the final fate of the deniers. (Qur'an, 16: 36)
1) "Ebla", Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopaedia, © 1995 Funk & Wagnalls Corporation, Infopedia 2.0, SoftKey Multimedia Inc.
2) Howard La Fay, "Ebla: Splendour of an Unknown Empire," National Geographic Magazine, December 1978, p. 736; C. Bermant and M. Weitzman, Ebla: A Revelation in Archaeology, Times Books, 1979, Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, Great Britain, pp. 184.
3) Bilim ve Teknik magazine (Science and Technology), No. 118, September 1977 and No. 131 October 19784)
For detailed information, please see Harun Yahya's Miracles of the Qur'an.
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