Khamis, 16 Disember 2010

Things that made me happy, felt funny & grateful to Allah

Wild Orchids. 
I was waiting to see somebody for an important financial matter to be settled. I was told to wait till 2pm. I had only a few cash with me, but I was hungry, so looked for affordable food and drinks at a nearby cafe. I sat at a table meant for customers who come in group. There was a lady sitting at the next table. Suddenly, her colleagues (a group of males, young and old) came to join her.

They took the table and chairs next to mine and moved them closer to the lady's. They gathered around her and were busy talking while having their lunch. They must be semi-govt officers since they were all wearing batik shirts.

I sat quietly listening to them chattering and commenting/criticizing each other, while having my own lunch (mee rojak). After the lady had left, they continued chatting. They were also looking at ladies, sometimes made fun of them a little while commenting/criticizing them.

I had finished eating, quietly, and purposely ignoring them when suddenly a familiar male voice called me from behind: 

     "Cikgu di sini rupanya!" the person in-charged of my errand at the bank,
      a handsome lad.

     "Kalau saya tahu, cikgu duduk di dalam (bank) pun tidak apa."
      He continued, smiling.
     "Ah, iya." I responded with a smile too.

All the men at the next table turned around to look at us. The tall and handsome young man offered to pay my lunch. (The guys next table were still silent).

I wanted to decline, yet since I gulped down a mouth-full of water, I only managed to hum my decline. He insisted on paying. So, I let him did so.

The guys were still silent. Were they surprised? shocked? amazed?! But for what reason, I am still wondering. Was it because the handsome guy who paid my lunch?

Or was it because I'm a teacher who doesn't look like a teacher since I was wearing a baju kurung that perhaps made me look more like a makcik (auntie), unlike them who were wearing batik shirt (formal attire). But then, I wore BATIK baju kurung. They didn't notice that I guess hehe..

And then again, kena belanja pula tu.. Oleh lelaki handsome lagi,haha.. During this financial crisis time, Allah showed me how BENEVOLENT HE IS. Alhamdulillah..

The guys next table were still silent (were they gawking at us??? Hahahahaha..). We walked past them for the second time, towards the bank, and they were still silent, still looking at us. What's wrong with them, I thought, with a smile on my face. It was funny! I was trying hard to contain my laughter, hehe.. Eh! Was it because I heard everything they were talking carelessly about just now? Heeeeee....

Forgive me Allah for my sins. Thank you Allah for taking good care of me all this time. You even showed me how to be a grateful servant. It is I who always fail to heed your commands and warnings. I want to be your beloved servant o Allah, so please keep on guiding me to the straight path.

O Allah, You always make me happy, especially during a time of despair. You entertain me with funny moments and You relieve me when I'm in dire need (of help, etc.). Thank you sooooooo much o Allah. Love You :)


Sabtu, 11 Disember 2010

Al-Kahfi Ayat 1 - 10 & Memohon Perlindungan Allah Daripada Fitnah Dajjal

Semalam saya baca Surah Al-Kahfi ayat 1 - 4. Kemudian saya baca pula terjemahannya. Sesuatu yang tidak dapat saya bayangkan dengan kata-kata dan gambaran, menyelinap masuk ke dalam hati. Ingatan terhadap Allah seperti bertambah berbanding sebelum ini.. Di bawah ini saya kongsikan buat semua, ayat 1 - 10 dari surah al-Kahfi, beserta pula maksudnya. Hayatilah maksudnya, kerana hadis dari Abu Darda'  r.a. bahawasanya Nabi SAW ada bersabda:

"Barang siapa yang menghafal 10 ayat pertama dari surah al-Kahfi terjaga dari fitnah dajjal". (HR Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Tirmidzi).

(Dipetik dari gambar-gambar dalam FB Suhailee Sukri)

Tanam, Tanam, Tanam..

Despite the feeling of a little frustration because of the "bonus" matter, I'm still happy. During the day today, I helped my mom plant 4 types of plants: lady's finger, corn, pumpkin & bird-eye chilly. Hehehehe... My mom did all the planting haha.. What I did? Well, I helped her put weaved wires to cover the plant beds. So, none of the chickens would be able to disturb & destroy her work there. Chickens can be annoying!

I also helped her put short bamboo sticks on the soil where she planted corns. This is to mark the spot where she had planted them. It will be a while before I could see the yields, may be around a month or two. But, it is worth the effort hehehe.. I didn't do much but I hope I could do more in the future.. This is my first step in getting myself interested in planting vegetables, fruits & herbs.

Well, the pics above I took from various pages online after googling for them hehe..

So! Plant, plant, plant!!! :D

Jumaat, 10 Disember 2010

Malas.. Mahu Fikir..

Gambar ni dipetik dari laman web 
Mmmm... Bonus masuk 1hb lepas. My brother said so, my friend also said the same thing. Tapi sekarang sudah 10hb. Bonus saya belum masuk pun ke akaun bank saya. Mmmmm... kenapa ya? Sudah call kerani ofis, dia sudah check dalam senarai, memang ada nama saya. Saya pun check lah bank statement bermula 1hb. Memang belum masuk bonus tu. Dia pun terkejut kenapa belum masuk. Kenalah call AG... Now... Waiting... Malas mahu fikir sangat.. Buat sesak fikiran saja. Apa-apa pun, aku redha saja ya Allah sebab memang itu yang sepatutnya aku buat. Dengan redha pada apa yang Kau tentukan, hati dan fikiran jadi tenang. Tentunya, Kau lebih tahu apa yang terbaik buat ku.. Ku serahkan segalanya kepada Mu..

Selasa, 7 Disember 2010


Terima kasih pada blogger Idawan kerana ada banyak doa2 yg beliau letak di blognya. Saya tertarik dgn doa ini, doa penolak sihir. Dulu selalu saya dengar orang kata "Ah! Sekarang zaman moden. Mana ada dah sihir2 ni."

Hakikatnya, zaman mana sekali pun, kerana syaitan suka melihat kebinasaan manusia, maka sihir tetap wujud. Mudah2an doa yg saya petik dari laman blogger Idawan ini dapat selalu diamalkan & doa tersebut Allah makbulkan, amin.

Saya petik dari laman blog saudari Idawan 


~Hidup tanpa matlamat, memang hidup yang sia-sia. Seolah-olah tiada apa2 yang ingin dicapai dalam hidup ini dan tiada pula keinginan untuk memajukan diri. Hidup sebegini tiada pendirian dan nilai, hanya membiarkan masa dan hayat berlalu pergi tanpa pengisian yang bermakna dan membanggakan. Sungguhlah merugikan.~

Garfield - kucing pemalas??? Hehe.. gambar ini saya petik dari laman blog 
Begitulah bunyi status FB saya pagi ini. Sebenarnya lebih ditujukan kepada diri sendiri. Kenapa? Untuk menasihati diri bahawa ada kerja-kerja yang perlu saya laksanakan selain mengisi masa lapang dengan aktiviti online.

Hehe.. menyindir? Saya masih lagi bercakap tentang diri sendiri, tapi semestinya mungkin ada juga yang mengalami perkara yang agak serupa dengan saya, kan ;)

Doa ini saya petik dari laman blog 

Berusahalah mengatasi kemalasan diri. Jom buat kerja!!!

SO!! Minna san, GAMBATTE, ne! Fight-to! Oh!!!

Isnin, 6 Disember 2010

Tahun Baru Hijrah 1432H

Petang ini umat Islam akan menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah 1432. Mungkin ada yang tercari-cari doa akhir tahun dan awal tahun hijrah ni. Jadi saya letakkan di sini doa-doa tersebut yang saya dapat ketika membuat carian di internet.

Doa akhir tahun ni dibaca 3x di hujung waktu asar sebelum masuk waktu maghrib.

Doa awal tahun pula juga dibaca 3x selepas solat maghrib.

Selamat berdoa, mudah-mudahan Allah makbulkan doa-doa kita, amin.
Ingin dapatkan supplement Shaklee yang sesuai untuk keluarga anda?
Ingin menjana pendapatan 4-5 angka sebulan dengan hanya duduk di rumah?
Hubungi Eim Ag untuk:-

Eim Ag
Shaklee ID : 1167951
013-8833739 (SMS, Call, Whatsapp)

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