Sabtu, 11 Disember 2010

Tanam, Tanam, Tanam..

Despite the feeling of a little frustration because of the "bonus" matter, I'm still happy. During the day today, I helped my mom plant 4 types of plants: lady's finger, corn, pumpkin & bird-eye chilly. Hehehehe... My mom did all the planting haha.. What I did? Well, I helped her put weaved wires to cover the plant beds. So, none of the chickens would be able to disturb & destroy her work there. Chickens can be annoying!

I also helped her put short bamboo sticks on the soil where she planted corns. This is to mark the spot where she had planted them. It will be a while before I could see the yields, may be around a month or two. But, it is worth the effort hehehe.. I didn't do much but I hope I could do more in the future.. This is my first step in getting myself interested in planting vegetables, fruits & herbs.

Well, the pics above I took from various pages online after googling for them hehe..

So! Plant, plant, plant!!! :D

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Eim Ag
Shaklee ID : 1167951
013-8833739 (SMS, Call, Whatsapp)

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