Melihat kabus pagi dan mega yang menjulang tinggi mengingatkan ku kepada keagungan Pencipta ku. Segala urusan hidupku, aku bersyukur kerana Engkau selalu permudahkan. Terima Kasih Tuhan. Sememangnya ucapan terima kasih ini tidak memadai, namun menyedari begitu banyaknya kelemahan ku, Kau tetap mengurniakan aku dengan bermacam-macam kurnia dan hikmah, aku bersyukur kepada Mu, Tuhan Pencipta dan Penguasa seluruh alam.
Ahad, 30 Disember 2007
My Status As MyMode Prepaid Agent
I would like to announce that I have just upgraded my status at MyMode Prepaid. Now, aside from being a Mobile Manager, I am now a MobilePreneur too. This means that for every sign-up as my direct downline, MyMode will pay me a bonus of RM18. For every sign-up under my downlines, I will get RM8. I would like to say that, being a newbie in the biz and being a lazy one at recruiting people, I did quite well as I got 6 donwlines directly under me in the 3 weeks I joined the biz. :-)
Won't exaggerate as I think I haven't really done my real best yet. For my ex-students, if you guys are interested in making money while attending your tertiary education at Politeknik, Colleges or Universities... contact me! :-)
Naimah AG
Jumaat, 28 Disember 2007
A Shocking News..
Terkejut bila adik saya kata bekas PM Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, meninggal dunia kerana ditembak.. Penembaknya pula after he shot her dead, meletupkan diri sendiri.. Bila mula2 Benazir umumkan nak masuk bertanding pilihanraya, I was thinking, dia meletakkan diri dalam bahaya once again... apa2 pun, Al-Fatihah..
Naimah AG
Petikan dari artikel Harun Yahya:
Ini adalah petikan dari artikel yang ditulis oleh Harun Yahya, yang mana artikel asalnya boleh didapati di laman web Selamat membaca & menghayati isi artikel tersebut.
The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. When compared to other planets, it is evident that in all its aspects the earth is specially designed for human life. Built on delicate balances, life prevails in every spot of this planet, from the atmosphere to the depths of the earth.
Exploring only a few of the millions of these delicate balances would be sufficient to show that the world we live in is specially designed for us.
One of the most important balances in our planet is revealed in the atmosphere that surrounds us. The atmosphere of the earth holds the most appropriate gasses in the most appropriate ratio needed for the survival not only of human beings, but also of all the living beings on the earth.
The 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% carbon dioxide as well as other gasses readily available in the atmosphere represent the ideal figures necessary for the survival of living beings. Oxygen, a gas that is vital for living beings, helps food to be burned and converted into energy in our bodies.
If the oxygen quantity in the atmosphere were greater than 21%, the cells in our body would soon start to suffer great damages. The vegetation and hydrocarbon molecules needed for life would also be destroyed. If this quantity were less, then this would cause difficulties in our respiration, and the food we eat would not be converted into energy. Therefore, the 21% oxygen in the atmosphere is the most ideal quantity determined for life...
Lawati laman web untuk membaca keseluruhan petikan ini.
Naimah AG
p.s.: saya akan cuba translate petikan di atas ke BM insya Allah..
Catatan Minggu Ke-3 Bersama Biz MyMode Prepaid
Terima kasih kerana masih menjadi pengunjung setia laman blog saya. Ini merupakan post saya yang ke-3. Pada saat ini juga, sudah lebih 3 minggu saya menjadi ejen MyMode Prepaid. Pada hari isnin lepas, saya telahnaik pangkat dari Mobile Agent --> Mobile Manager. Alhamdulillah..
Perasaan saya menjalankan biz ni? Seronok juga. Lucu pun ada sebab biz saya mainly uses my handphone. Selain tu, saya guna juga internet, but untuk tujuan promosi, saya belum menggunakan internet sepenuhnya. Insya Allah, one of these days, I will try to use it to recruit more potential people yang nak mengembangkan potensi pendapatan dan potensi diri mereka. This biz, as I found out, bukanlah semata-mata tentang menjual/ mengguna prepaid atau mendapatkan downline sahaja... more than that, ramai yang berminat dalam biz ini, I think, mendapat banyak perubahan positif dalam diri mereka, jika diusahakan dengan sungguh2.
Anyway, saya nak tunjuk bonus statement saya pada minggu ke-3 ni, hehehe... Banyak? No lah... but as a beginner to this industry, teruja jugalah... it is a motivation to find out that HEY! THIS BIZ IS WORKING! Check out statement ni kat bawah sekali...
Naimah AG
Ahad, 16 Disember 2007
My Prepaid Biz
Well, you CAN get MORE out of using your HANDPHONE now! If you are interested in earning money using your handphone, then visit me at:
You'll be earning using your very important gadget!
p.s.: postpaid customers can join this too ;->
Today In History
Today, I managed to create a blog for me, where I could share a bit of my thoughts and things which I feel interesting to be shared with visitors here. Since this is the first one, it wouldn't be long. Well! I am looking for things to post here, and hoprefully it will be soon! :-)